Kitsuki Castle Town, also known as Little Kyoto, smells the Edo atmosphere and invites visitors to the Edo period.
Let's wear kimono and walk down the castle t...
Acitivity( 2 )
Visit Barrel Valley Praha which has Koji malt 80% share of all Japan shochu malt.
Enjoy Shochu, CraftBeer factory→and Craft beer factory
Enjoy visiting 「Tsubo...
Visit Barrel Valley Praha which has Koji malt 80% share of all Japan shochu malt.
Enjoy Shochu, CraftBeer factory→and Craft beer factory
Enjoy visiting 「Tsubo...
Let's make the original Kumamon Tote bag!
You can see Kumamon at Kumamon Square!
Let's take a Instagrammable photo at the sophisticated café!
You can watch cute and wild dolphins with a probability of 90% or more!
Enjoy the Amakusa gourmet and fresh specialty dishes from the sea.
In the roadside st...
Get a water Taxi to access TAKASHIMA Island.
it is famous of shrine to bring good fortune. Especially Gambling!!
After lunck, enjoy Natural Onsen and local po...
Enjoy nature view from Kumagawa Cruise! Kumagawa River is one of the three most rapid rivers of Japan.
Also can enjou lunch and Onsen at traditional style ryok...
This resort is easy to access from Nagasaki downtown area.
In this island, No signal, No traffic jam. Enjoy to see all around this island safety by bicycle.
Stay at Local Japanese Home and enjoy Japanese culture.
You can challenge cooking Local Japnese food with Host family!
It is inclusive homemade Dinner and Bre...
Inviting professional chef and challenge cooking Fugu( Blowfish) full course!